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March 15 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The North Oregon Coast Symphony continues its 2024-2025 season with two

concerts in March titled “Melodic Journeys.” Designed to please audience

members of all ages, the performances will feature Greg Smith’s The Melodic

Life. This piece traces the life story of a “lighthearted melody named Bob,”

illustrating events like going to school, playing sports, and other

developmental experiences. The underlying message that “variety is the

spice of life” will be demonstrated through a wide range of musical themes.

The narrator will be Deac Guidi, a local professional opera singer who has

performed with NOCS and throughout the northwest region.

Another feature in the program will be Robert Smith’s Symphony No. 2, “The

Odyssey.” Inspired by the ancient Greek poet Homer’s epic tale, this work

takes the audience on a dazzling musical voyage.

Morton Gould’s rousing American Salute will round out this concert series.

The first concert will take place on Saturday, March 15, at the Nehalem

Elementary School Gym (36300 8th St., Nehalem, OR) beginning at 3:00 pm.

The second concert will be on Sunday, March 16, at the Bob Chisholm

Community Center (1225 Avenue A, Seaside, OR) beginning at 3:00 pm.

Admission for both concerts will be $10. Ages 18 and under are FREE

(children 12 and under with adult supervision).

Tickets will be available at the door only for both concerts.

Cookies and refreshments will be available at intermission.

For more information, see our website www.nocsymphony. org


March 15
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:


Nehalem Elementery School Gym
36300 8th St., Nehalem, OR
View Venue Website

(503) 355-2291

Rockaway Beach Oregon

Visitors Center at the Wayside
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Rockaway Beach, OR 97136

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276 US-101, Rockaway Beach, OR 97136

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