UPDATED 01/11/2021
Do you consider “pumpkin spice” your favorite season? Or are you still pouting over the recent departure of summer?
No matter which category you fall into, we have some good news for you! There are a number of fabulous ways to enjoy Rockaway Beach in the fall – and in fact, some things are best saved for this time of year.
Enjoy Fall Foliage Hiking
This one is a given, but worth stating anyway. When the trees start shedding their leaves they give one last spectacular showcase of color. From bright red to burnt orange and soft yellows, a once well-known forest is transformed into an entirely different space. Trails are scattered with crunchy leaves begging to be stepped on, and trees reveal hidden pockets of forest otherwise covered by leaves. Yes, we love hiking in the spring too when all the pops of green, pink, and purple are returning – but trust us, you don’t want to miss this time of year.
Take a Day Trip
One thing we love about Rockaway Beach is that we’re the only town on the Tillamook Coast that’s directly on the beach. You can’t get more coastal than us. We also love how close it is to everything else. A trip out to Cape Meares Scenic State Park to watch for whales, or a quick jaunt to the Tillamook Creamery to grab an ice cream cone doesn’t require a ton of time or commitment. In fact, if you want to avoid the crowds and have the cheese sampling line almost to yourself, never miss a chance to visit the Tillamook Creamery after the summer crowds have passed; It’s an entirely different experience. Or, ride the Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad down to Garibaldi for a walk on the pier, some antique shopping, or just to grab a bite to eat.
Catch Crabs
We’ve said it before and we will say it again: the best crabbing is on a month that ends in R. So if you love eating crustaceans and love catching them even more, then you want to head to the Oregon Coast in the fall. Kelly’s Brighton Marina is open year-round and is about to enjoy some of the best crabbing of the season. Bundle up and head out on the water, or toss a ring over the pier.
Stay Inside
Who says you have to spend every moment outdoors? What about cozying up with a hot cup of coffee – yes pumpkin spice – at The Offshore Grill and Coffee House? We would even recommend a piping hot cup of clam chowder from The Sand Dollar Restaurant and Lounge. They’ve also got the best spot to enjoy a seasonal sunset, or if the weather is right some adventurous windsurfers might be out on the waves.
Beach Combing
Sure, summers are best spent on the beach (that’s a given), but did you know that fall and winter are best for beachcombing and rock hounding? The full, winter tides bring in all kinds of seashells, agates, and unique items – as well as unearth new things that have been hiding underneath the sand all summer long. While we always encourage everyone to follow proper beach safety tips, we can’t say enough how it is worth it to visit the beaches in the fall. The crowds are less, and the treasures are more.