There is no denying it: the days are starting to shorten and evenings tend to bring a crisper touch to your skin than before. Maple leaves are slowly starting to yellow and fall and young minds are gearing up to go back to school. But before you officially say goodbye to the freedom of summer, one more trip to Rockaway Beach might be in order – even if just for a day.
Play a Game of mini golf at Troxel’s Rock Garden
Don’t be surprised if while walking down the street in Rockaway Beach you’re greeted by a dozen or more happy bubbles floating on the wind. That just means you’re getting close to Troxel’s Rock Garden, and the only 24-hour ever-changing mini golf course for miles around. Take a stroll through the rock garden and even pick out stones to take home with you – just pay whatever you think is reasonable. The kids will love hunting for the coolest rock, and won’t mind a fun (and challenging) game of mini golf, either.
Go Treasure Hunting on Manhattan Beach
Just North of the Wayside is a hidden beach that’s often overlooked but is worth stopping by. Usually decorated with drift wood and other marine debris, it’s the perfect spot to go hunting for agates, sea shells, and tiny beach treasures that like to accumulate here. Grab a bucket, some sun screen and even your metal detector if you have one and get to work hunting for buried treasures.
Grab a free Hot Wheels at The Little Crow
Every Saturday, children under age 12 are treated to a free Hot Wheels Car or bracelet charm from The Little Crow. It’s been a tradition for years, and owner Anne Savage buys the cars by the bulk to keep children coming back to see what’s new. She’ll even buy your old HotWheels off of you when you’ve outgrown them – for $2 a pound.
Stop by Flamingo Jim’s
For generations folks have been making a stop to Flamingo Jim’s a Rockaway Beach tradition, and it’s no wonder. You never know what trinkets, treasures, or obscurities you might find in this labyrinth of items – all perfect to take home with you to commemorate your trip. Find Rockaway Beach approved shirts, stickers, bumper stickers and more as well as entertaining and colorful toys, seashells, and candles. No matter what you like to collect, they probably have it here.
Play like a Pirate
Are those pirate flags billowing in the wind? Can it be? Yes it can! Right in the heart of the Wayside is a whimsical pirate playground structure overlooking stunning views of the Pacific Ocean. Rated one of the best playgrounds on the Tillamook Coast, it’s easily accessible and perfect for all ages. Let the stories sore as children ring the bell, climb the mast and send traitors to walk the plank. (OK, there is no plank, but the slide works just as well.)