For generations families have been flocking to Rockaway Beach to get away from their daily lives and enjoy the refreshing coastal breeze. And while you don’t have to arrive by train or buggy anymore, Rockaway Beach is still the perfect beach town to spend some quality time with your family. In fact, not much has changed around here. There is still seven miles of uninterrupted beaches to explore, quaint coastal shops filled to the brim with goodies, and always a local or two ready to share a story about the good ole days.
Here are some of our favorite ways to spend a day in Rockaway Beach with family.
Go Boogie Boarding. You can’t come to Rockaway Beach without spending a little time in the surf. Swing over to Big Al’s Candy Store and grab a boogie board off the shelf, then cross the street and head for the waves. Not quite ready to get wet? That’s fine – Big Al also has ice cream, caramel corn and some of the best homemade fudge to enjoy while you’re here. Once you head into the water, remember that safety always comes first. Always keep your eye on the ocean, and don’t go out into the surf past where you can comfortably swim back. If you get sucked out by a riptide, swim parallel to the shoreline until the tide releases and you can swim inland again.
Visit Flamingo Jim’s. We may say this alot about a number of things, but it really isn’t a trip to Rockaway Beach without stopping at Flamingo Jims! You never know what fun and funky trinkets you might find in here. Give yourself some time though – the store goes on for what feels like miles and is filled with nostalgic and vintage gifts, games, and even Rockaway Beach souvenirs.
Build a Sandcastle. The key ingredients to a good sand castle are water, sand, and sun. We don’t always have the sun on our side, but if you happen to catch a sunny day then you’re in luck! Pick a spot near the water so you have plenty of dry and wet sand to work with, but not so close that your sand castle will be smothered by waves. Try building a moat to collect water so you have an active supply without being too close to the waves.
Hit up a playground. Never underestimate a good playground for burning off some energy and letting the creative juices flow. We have two of the best playgrounds on the coast – one at the Wayside and at Phyllis Baker Park. One is shaped like a pirate ship with views of the Pacific Ocean, and the other is equally as whimsical with plenty of room to run, play and stretch your legs. It’s also a great spot to bring the dogs and let them have a turn running around. (And did we mention it’s one of our favorite places to picnic?)
Go Mini golfing. Troxel’s Garden is a self-serve mini golf experience that completely exemplifies everything we love about Rockaway Beach; it’s fun, a little quirky and the memories you make will last a lifetime. Follow the yellow brick road (or the bubbles) and play a game or two 24/7. Find a bench to relax, or pick through the stones to find one that suits your fancy. The rock garden is always changing, making it worth a visit everything you’re in town.